I Wrote It: VIP Writers' Experience


VIP Writer's Experience


VIP Writer's Experience


VIP Writer's Experience

 2024 Dates:

Option 1 (6/15-16) | 9am-5pm daily

Option 2 (7/12-13) | 9am-5pm daily

Cost: $2,499.99 (In Person) | $1999.99 (Virtual)

 2024 Dates:

Option 1 (6/15-16) | 9am-5pm daily

Option 2 (7/12-13) | 9am-5pm daily

Cost:$2,499.99 (In Person) | $1999.99 (Virtual)


If you are like most people, writing your own book feels intimidating. Even when you have a great message to share, you still struggle to frame your words with clarity and coherence. Look no further! Welcome to the VIP Writers' Experience – a transformative two-day bootcamp designed exclusively for aspiring authors like you.

Elevate your writing journey with professional coaching that will guide you through the creation of the first draft of your manuscript. This unique opportunity is your steppingstone to becoming a published author.

Why Choose the VIP Writers' Experience?

  • Focused Learning: Limited to just ten participants, this VIP bootcamp experience ensures a personalized and focused learning environment, maximizing the impact of coaching sessions.
  • Hands-On Support: Our team is dedicated to providing hands-on support throughout the entire process, from drafting your manuscript to completing the copyright application.
  • IndigoLife Publishing: Unlock the potential to see your work published with indigoLife Publishing, a reputable platform that values and nurtures emerging talent.

Secure your seat now and embark on a weekend of inspiration, creativity, and dedicated support. The VIP Writers' Experience is your gateway to turning your writing aspirations into reality. Don't miss this opportunity – register today!


What's Included:

  1. Pre-Writing Workshops: To ensure you get the most out of the VIP Writers' Experience, we offer two virtual pre-bootcamp mini writing workshops. These sessions will prepare you for the intensive weekend ahead, helping you sharpen your skills and focus on your writing goals.
  2. Creative Environment: Break away from the distractions of your everyday surroundings and step into the inspiring atmosphere of the indigoLife Writing Lab.
  3. Networking Opportunities: Engage with a focused group of like-minded individuals who share the same passion for bringing their stories to life. Connect with other fellow writers, share experiences, and gain insights that will enhance your writing journey.
  4. Professional Coaching: Immerse yourself in an enriching experience as expert coaches provide personalized guidance to help you craft the first draft of your manuscript. Benefit from their insights, industry knowledge, and constructive feedback tailored to your unique writing style.
  5. Copyright Application Assistance: Our team will assist you in completing the copyright application with ease, ensuring that your manuscript is protected and officially recognized by the Library of Congress.
  6. Publishing Opportunity: After the bootcamp, you will have the exclusive chance to have your manuscript published by indigoLife Publishing at a discounted rate, not offered to the general public. This is a unique opportunity to take the next step towards fulfilling your dream of becoming a recognized author in the marketplace.


This is a live bootcamp hosted inside the indigoLife Writing Lab. We meet Saturday and Sunday for eight hours each day, from 9am until 5pm with short breaks, as needed, and a one-hour lunch break. Participants may opt to work through lunch in order to leave with a complete draft of their manuscript.

NOTE: During class, participants are required to bring a laptop with headsets. A cell phone for voice recording is encouraged. A jovial spirit and bright smiles are mandatory in order to maximize engagement, create synergy, and foster community among our writers.








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